social marketing syllabus
Social media marketing (fall 2014) this is a 2-unit class offered in the first seven weeks of the semester, both in ftmba and ewmba. click on the link. Digital marketing, social media and e-commerce . david bell. tr 10:30 - 12:00. 8/30/16 - 12/12/16. jmhh 245 . mktg271401 (1.00 cu) models for mktg strategy. Cs 57.11 syllabus introduction to social media about this syllabus this syllabus lays out the guidelines and rules for the class..
Syllabus - social media marketing (mba267-11 - fall 2013) note: this is a previous year's syllabus and not current anymore. last update: october 2, 2013. Course syllabus social media marketing certificate prerequisites: working knowledge of computers is required. experience and/or familiarity with. Social media marketing - syllabus spring 2011. download. uploaded by. ashwin malshe. page |1 social media marketing mktg 480f spring 2011 ashwin malshe page.